The third International Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics was held in Prague, Czech Republic, from May 13 to 15, 2024.

CMPMEET2024 provided a platform of international standards where advances in Condensed Matter Physics could be discussed and shared.

For this meeting, researcher Gabriel Barceló prepared a presentation on the

THEORY OF DYNAMIC INTERACTIONS with the following abstract:


Gabriel Barceló Dr. II. LCF.

Dinámica Fundación(España)

In science, the laws governing bodies with intrinsic rotation must be taken into account. Rotational dynamics differ greatly from translational dynamics, and their behavior is governed by the THEORY OF DYNAMIC INTERACTIONS. This theory also determines the behavior of celestial bodies with rotation, and thus the mechanisms of movement within our universe.

We argue that in the dynamics of celestial bodies, as well as rockets and spacecraft with rotation, it’s essential to follow the principles of the Theory of Dynamic Interactions. This theory explains the behavior of bodies with intrinsic rotation in space, such as the gyroscope, boomerang, or top, and it also illustrates the reasons for planetary orbits, Saturn’s rings, and galaxy structures.

This theory should also be considered in the guidance and control of rockets and spacecraft with intrinsic rotation.

Keywords: Dynamic Interactions; rotational dynamics; intrinsic rotation; Dynamic Interactions; aircraft navigation; rockets and spacecraft with rotation; planetary orbits.

And the following paper was presented:


Gabriel Barceló Dr. II. LCF.

Dinamica Fundación (Spain)

In science, the behavioral laws governing the motion of bodies with intrinsic rotation must be considered. Rotational dynamics are quite different from translational dynamics, and their laws constitute the DYNAMIC INTERACTIONS THEORY. We claim that in the dynamics of celestial bodies, as well as rockets and spacecraft with rotation, the criteria of the Dynamic Interactions Theory must be respected. This theory justifies the behavior of bodies with intrinsic rotation in space, such as those mentioned, and also the gyroscope, boomerang, or top. It also explains the reason for planetary orbits, the rings of Saturn, and galaxy structures. Additionally, this theory should be considered in the guidance and control of rockets and spacecraft with intrinsic rotation.


This theory has been conceived to understand the behavior of bodies with rotation on their axis and provides insight into the dynamic behavior of the universe, specifically the orbital motion of the Earth around the Sun, planets, and other celestial bodies. It is the result of over forty years of research and experimental testing in this field.

After this initial phase of deduction, testing, and experimentation, we concluded that the mechanical model established by Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation is, in our opinion, an approximate model that cannot truly justify the generation of orbital motion of celestial bodies. We have discussed this criterion in various instances, aligning with our observation of the connection in the universe between orbitation and rotation (For example, in Section 14.2 of the book: Barceló, Gabriel: New Paradigm in Physics: Assumptions and applications of the theory of dynamic interactions, Volume II: Theory of Dynamics Interactions, Amazon, 2018. Spanish and English).

A reasoned development of this hypothesis was published in 2023 in an article titled: Analysis of the Orbitation and Rotation of Celestial Bodies, in the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics. Vol. 11 No. 9, September, where we stated in the abstract: …it is necessary to understand the dynamics of rotating bodies to also understand the dynamics of the cosmos, with orbiting bodies and motions that are constantly repeated, allowing systems to remain in dynamic equilibrium for centuries, not necessarily undergoing unlimited expansion. We believe that this new dynamic theory allows for a better understanding of our universe and matter.


We have developed a structure for dynamic knowledge for non-inertial systems, the previously mentioned Dynamic Interactions Theory, as part of non-inertial dynamic knowledge, incorporating a causal demonstration of rotation- accelerated phenomena, which complements Classical Mechanics. This theory is based on the hypotheses of inertial reactions and principles of conservation of measurable quantities (expressed in Section 5.0 of the book: New Paradigm in Physics), such as momentum, total mass, and total energy, and the concepts: Rotational inertia; Dynamic interaction; Coupling of speeds; or Constant rotation.

We believe the mathematical model we propose is of great conceptual importance. It’s essential to reiterate that in space, everything that orbits have intrinsic rotation. From this observation, not considered by Newton or Einstein, we have constructed a dynamic knowledge structure for non-inertial systems, incorporating a causal demonstration of rotation-accelerated phenomena, without any known refutation or antithesis to our arguments to date. We understand that this theory provides a clear and satisfactory explanation for the rotational phenomena of bodies with axial symmetry, allowing us to move beyond a translational view of our surroundings. It transports us to the reality of a universe with rotating bodies, altering our perceptions, criteria, conceptualizations, and evaluations of our context, showing how nature should be perceived and interpreted in physics.


Along with the paradox of orbit and rotation, observing the universe raised other new doubts: its secular dynamic equilibrium, which didn’t seem to reconcile with Newtonian physics, where forces generate constantly accelerating translational motion. The universe’s equilibrium and dynamics didn’t seem consistent with the conceptual structure of Classical Mechanics. In my opinion, Newton’s universal law of gravitation should generate wavy orbital paths, depending on the positions of other celestial bodies. For example, the Moon should have an oscillating orbit, depending on whether the Earth is in conjunction with the Sun or not. This was not considered by Newton or Einstein, nor did they value Earth’s intrinsic rotation in its orbit, nor for other celestial bodies. It was also observed that the rotational speed of galaxies was uniform and independent of their distance from the center of rotation, which doesn’t align with Newtonian theory and General Relativity, which state that rotational speed should decrease with distance.

This gave rise to Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). In our opinion, it’s not about modifying the Newtonian law but completely replacing it with a more reliable and coherent formulation that describes nature’s true behavior (considering the intrinsic rotation of celestial bodies) and accepting the true discriminant coupling of speeds.

Any observer can notice how the systems of the universe are in constant motion, yet in constant dynamic equilibrium. In the observable real universe, the general dynamic behavior of rigid bodies is characterized by their dynamic equilibrium. Over time, it’s confirmed how the trajectory in orbit coexists with intrinsic rotation.



Suppose the Earth has intrinsic spin on its main axis and translational speed in space. Simultaneously, it’s subjected to a couple of gravitational forces exerted by the Sun and Moon, forcing its rotation axis into a new rotation, not spatially coincident with its own spin. This couple generates a precession movement of the Earth, which we understand obliges it to describe a new trajectory.

But it must be understood, according to the Dynamic Interactions Theory, that Earth’s rotational inertia, due to its intrinsic spin, prevents the coupling of rotation speeds, so that in our proposal, the precession movement couples with translational motion, creating an orbit, which, if the applied couple is constant, will generate a closed orbit. It should be noted that in our thesis, there’s a discriminant coupling of speeds, with the speed of the precession movement not coupling with the linear component of rotational speed, but with the translational speed of the object.

Therefore, we conclude that the gravitational non-coaxial couple generated an orbital motion with a constant translational speed, which is exactly the same translational speed that the object previously had. This deduction results from the so-called Postulate of Successive Non-Coaxial Couples: When a rigid body is subjected to two successive non-coaxial rotations, the translational speed field couples with the inertial speed field generated by the second non-coaxial moment, forcing the object’s center of mass to change its trajectory without an external force applied in that direction.


We’ve analyzed a dynamic case in the context of Field Theory. After observing nature and considering the deductions obtained from the stated principles, we’ve concluded that the successive application of non-coaxial moments on a rigid body generates that specific dynamic behavior for bodies with intrinsic rotation, distinct from those with linear translational motion.

This is the thesis of our proposal on the behavior of solids with intrinsic rotation, applicable to all bodies with mass, including celestial bodies in the universe. We suggest these hypotheses be explored when analyzing these dynamic phenomena.

For more information on this proposal and its applications, we suggest referring to the mentioned books and texts and visiting the following websites:

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