Científico español presenta propuesta nuevo modelo de interacciones dinámicas

El científico español Gabriel Barceló Rico-Avello presenta hoy en la Real Academia de la Ingeniería en Madrid su libro “New paradigm in physics: Theory of dynamic interactions”, en el que propone un nuevo modelo de interacciones dinámicas aplicable a campos dispares como el diseño de reactores nucleares o el comportamiento de tifones.

Imagen cedida por la NASA que muestra el planeta Saturno fotografiado desde la sonda espacial ‘Cassini’. EFE/NASA


Un ejemplo de su Teoría de Interacciones Dinámicas es la comprobación experimental de que “en los huracanes, existen partículas en rotación mientras se genera el torbellino del ciclón, por lo que hay una transferencia de energía cinética, de rotación a traslación y viceversa”.


Barceló resume en su libro una serie de experimentos y análisis llevados a cabo a lo largo de los últimos 35 años, gracias a los cuales concluye que la coincidencia en los movimientos de orbitación y rotación “no es casual”, sino el resultado de un comportamiento “específico” de los cuerpos que “tienen rotación intrínseca y son sometidos a una nueva rotación sobre otro movimiento distinto”.

Nuevo modelo de interacciones dinámicas

Su nuevo modelo dinámico, en el que han trabajado también una docena de científicos españoles y argentinos, podría aplicarse a la mecánica de los anillos de Saturno, a los sistemas planetarios y, en general, a la mecánica celeste en campos como la astrofísica y la astronáutica.

En todo caso, “la investigación es totalmente original”, ha asegurado el experto, pues en el siglo XIX científicos franceses y belgas empezaron a desarrollar la cuestión de forma incipiente “pero sobrevino tal avance en la Física con la Teoría de la Relatividad de Albert Einstein y luego la Teoría Cuántica, que estas cuestiones quedaron en el olvido”.

La sociedad científica Advanced Dynamics, dirigida por el propio Barceló, ha sido la encargada de desarrollar de forma privada este proyecto de investigación con un presupuesto de 300.000 euros y varios contratos y convenios con nueve universidades.


Para contrastar los avances en esta investigación se ejecutaron diversas pruebas en medios acuáticos con prototipos como cilindros, pequeños submarinos, péndulos y globos.

En realidad, estos experimentos “deberían haberse llevado a cabo en el espacio, pero resultaba muy costoso” para la inversión disponible.

El nuevo modelo ha sido examinado ya por distintos grupos de investigación ajenos a Advanced Dynamics y “todos las comprobaciones practicadas por ellos han confirmado nuestra propuesta”, ha afirmado Barceló.

En el futuro, “nos gustaría que se convierta en una teoría contrastada, pero no hay consenso aún, ni reconocimiento por parte de la comunidad científica”, ha reconocido Barceló.

El problema es que “llevamos 300 años trabajando con unas ideas concretas y cambiar esa mentalidad exigiría prácticamente el paso de una generación de jóvenes investigadores”, ha concluido. Efefuturo

The Universe does not necessarily expand forever

The Universe does not necessarily expand forever

  • A scientific theory proposes a cosmology based on a new relationship between orbiting and rotation
  • It has applications in astronautics, nuclear fusion and the interpretation of weather phenomena such as tornadoes

04.02.2018. The Universe will not necessarily expand forever, but it rotates continuously, in a stable and harmonious equilibrium, according to a new scientific theory that proposes keys to a better understanding of the mechanics of the universe.

The theory has been developed by a group of Spanish researchers over the last 35 years and has now come to light through a series of articles published in scientific journals and a two volume book, “New paradigm in physics”, whose second volume has just been published. This theory’s hypotheses are sustained based on new criteria on coupling velocities and rotational inertia.

The research analyses the behaviour of accelerating bodies to achieve a better understanding of why we live in a world with nights and mornings, with sunsets and sunrises. Its starting point is a new physical correlation between bodies in orbit and the intrinsic rotational movements.

This correlation has yielded a mathematical expression, and its correctness has been experimentally verified during the course of this investigation. After the experimental tests, the researchers came to the conclusion that new general laws of behaviour can be deduced based on the analysis of the dynamic fields created.

This research is consistent with Einstein’s theories for rotation and does not challenge Newton’s laws. It proposes a mechanics, which is complementary to Classical Mechanics, specifically for systems accelerated by rotations. It also constitutes a rational development of the Theory of Relativity.

Theory of Dynamic Interactions

These new concepts shed light on the Theory of Dynamic Interactions (TDI), a new dynamic model for non-inertial systems with axial symmetry, which is based on the principles of the conservation of measurable quantities: the notion of quantity, total mass and total energy.

This Theory conceives a rotating universe which is in continuous equilibrium and in which, a moment or a pair of forces, will generate, while acting, a permanent orbital movement, in a closed and flat trajectory. This system also conserves the initial intrinsic rotation, thus generating a universe that rotates continuously in stable dynamic equilibrium, in harmony, and not necessarily expanding forever.

The dynamic model of the TDI also justifies a view of the universe in which galaxies and systems tend to develop into flat structures. The new scientific theory can finally transforms  the understanding of the nature of the atomic structure, since the application of the new concept of rotational magnitudes that is described, can affect the dynamic reactions that occur in the energy levels of the electron and, more particularly, on the concept of spin. These are proposals of this new theory that deserve to be analysed and tested.

Practical applications

This research may have many technological applications in the control of movement, in astronautics, in nuclear fusion plants or in the interpretation of weather phenomena with rotating fluid masses, such as typhoons or tornadoes.   

It is also especially interesting to consider in Physics the exploration of accelerating non-inertial systems, and highlight the need to develop scientific research projects for the evaluation and analysis of its postulates, as well as technological projects based on these hypotheses.


Dynamic Foundation is a non-profit organization created in 2001 for the promotion of scientific or technical research. It was born as a private research initiative that proposes a new non-Newtonian Rotational Dynamics whose hypotheses have been substantiated in a proposal called Theory of Dynamic Interactions (TID). This theory helps explain unresolved dynamic phenomena in classical mechanics and has been published in accredited scientific journals.

Press contact



  • Gabriel Barceló. New paradigm in physics: Theory of dynamic interactions (Volume 1). ISBN-13: 978-84-617-7316-9.
  • Gabriel Barceló. New Paradigm in Physics: assumptions and applications of the theory of dynamic interactions. Volume 2: ISBN-13: 978-84-697-9518-7.


  • Theory of Dynamic Interactions: Synthesis Gabriel Barceló. TMLAI, Vol 5, No 5 (2017). DOI:
  • World Journal of Mechanics (WJM) Volume 7, Number 3, March 2017 Special Issue on Rotational Dynamics: Theory of Dynamic Interactions. ISSN:2160-049X.

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The International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, has published in its latest issue the article: Proposal of new criteria for celestial mechanics.

In this paper the application of the Theory of Dynamic Interactions to celestial mechanics developed by Gabriel Barceló (PhD) is explained. This theory reinterprets the behaviour of bodies in rotation which allows a variety of scientific and technological applications.

The specialized International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, of the Scientific Research group, has published in its latest volume, 3-4, December 2013, the article “Proposal of new criteria for celestial mechanics.”, available at http:// , and written by the Spanish investigator Doctor Gabriel Barceló Rico-Avello.

International Jorunal of Astronomy and Astrophysics

This article ( delves into the treaty recently published by Dr. Barceló in two volumes: Imago Universi: A story of human conception of the cosmos. (Editor Arpegio. Barcelona, 2013), describes in a fascinating way the human thirst and passion for the knowledge of the universe. Its last chapter includes the application of the Theory of Dynamic Interactions to astrophysics and specifically to the dynamic of stellar systems and galaxies is included.

This enthusiastic piece of scientific work, also includes important personal and innovative contributions to the history of science. The treatise has its own Web, and a video of presentation can be viewed at

The Theory of Dynamic interactions states that, in the area of classical mechanics, a non newtonian Rotational Dynamics is applicable to rigid solid bodies subject to multiple accelerations by rotation, i.e. is applicable to bodies with angular momentum, when submitted to new rotations non coaxial with the existing one. The theory is applicable to mechanical systems, classical, relativistic as well as quantum ones.

During the last twenty years Dr. Gabriel Barceló has carried out a private and independent project regarding Rotational Dynamics. The result of the project has been the conception of an innovative dynamics theory, specifically applicable to non-inertial rigid systems in rotation, and which allow numerous and significant scientific and technological applications. The Theory of Dynamic Interactions was presented, for the first time, during different presentations of the XXX Biennale of Physics which took place in Orense (Spain) in 2005. It was later argumented, described and developed in two texts published by the editorial Marcombo: The Flight of the Boomerang (2005), and A Rotating World (2008).

The Theory of Dynamic Interactions generalizes the inertial concepts and phenomena, including them in a unified structure of a new rotational dynamics of fields for non-inertial systems. It has been described in scientific articles and presentations in international congresses. The theory allows multiple innovative hypotheses, such as the analysis of the behaviour of hurricanes or the study of the internal tensions in mobile bodies, or the conversion of rotational kinetic energy to translational kinetic energy, or viceversa, which leads to the concept of the dynamic lever. We can conceive a dynamic lever with technological applications and practical effects. Such a dynamic lever would permit the design of mechanisms where the result of its action would be obtained without energy consumption and therefore the applied energy would be recovered. The theory allows its application in the steering of mobiles in space, such as airplanes, and also to submarines. In this case, the steering devices would be of very simple design and use. The technological development of this theory permits many applications, in defense, astronautics or energy, e.g. in the confinement systems of fusion reactors.

During the last month of December were also published other articles by the same author, in relation to the Theory of Dynamic Interactions (TID). On the World Journal of Mechanics, the article: Theory of dynamic interactions: laws of motion, accessible on the websites:

Also in the Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics-G, Volume 13, Issue 5, Version1.0. Year2013, the article: New technological applications of the theory of dynamic interactions, accessible at: _5.pdf

Further information on the Theory can be viewed on Also accessible are different videos with experimental evidences, at the following locations, among others:

The presentations at the 61ST International Astronautical Congress are of special interest. Prague, September 2010 (On the equivalence principle.) and at the International Conference on Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology: DEMSET 2011. Orlando, Florida, USA. A more detailed information regarding the Theory of Dynamic Interactions can be obtained at: