And technologically?

From a technological perspective, the Theory of Dynamic Interactions invites numerous, innovative hypotheses such as, for example, the study of the internal stresses in moving bodies caused by internal forces, or of the coupling term which suggests two-way energy conversion, of rotational kinetic energy to translational kinetic energy, or vice versa which, for example, leads to the concept of the dynamic lever.

We can conceive of a dynamic lever with technological applications and practical uses. This dynamic lever would enable the designing of mechanisms in which the result of their action would be obtained without consuming energy and, therefore, making it possible to recover the power used.

According to the Theory of Dynamic Interactions, in bodies endowed with intrinsic angular moment dynamic interactions are caused that can transform the effect of any new momentum acting on the body. Accordingly, by applying a new force to a moving body with intrinsic angular momentum we will get these interactions and a variation of the incident force couple effect.

The magnitude of the couple implicitly affects the inertial effect produced and the result will be a dynamic interaction that will enable the modification of the effect of the applied forces without any power having been consumed.

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