How did the Theory of Dynamic Interactions come about?

The Theory of Dynamic Interactions is based on the puzzlement caused by rotation and orbit. This is due to the inertial incapacity of matter, under certain circumstances, to vectorially sum together the resulting angular momenta and, in general, the angular magnitudes of bodies in rotation.

The Theory of Dynamic Interactions enables the developing of a specific dynamics for solids in rotation, which are subject to successive force couples, where the sequence of the action of the forces determines their peculiar behaviour, which does not coincide exactly with the laws of classical mechanics, but does fit in with the physical reality. The stating of the laws of behaviour of moving bodes in space and, therefore, the development of the Theory of Dynamic Interactions, initially arose from the conjectures of Miguel A. Catalán and after having experimentally checked the postulates of these dynamic hypotheses and the real inertial behaviour of rotating matter.

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